Representative/Guide Training

Representative/Guide Training

The Representative-in-Training program prepares a Coordinator in the Inayatiyya to become a Representative or Guide. The program teaches how to give individual spiritual guidance to Murids in the Inayatiyya. It will also enhance your skills to lead classes, teach deeper meditations, and take more responsibility guiding the activities of a local Inayatiyya Center. Although a Guide is not expected to perform Center duties in their role, the training fundamentals are the same whether you are appointed as a Representative or a Guide. 

How to Become a Representative or Guide

1. If you are thinking of becoming a Representative or Guide, read more about the roles and their responsibilities and qualifications. After that, discuss with your Guide whether this is appropriate for you.

2. To enter into training, your Guide will first submit a Nomination for Training Form, which introduces you to a Leadership Training Advisor, who will review the nomination. The nomination form allows you to choose your Advisor if you have a preference; otherwise one will be assigned to you. Your Advisor will then confer with the Vice President of the Inner School to decide if application to the Representative-in-Training program should proceed.

3. If the answer is yes, your Advisor will then invite you to apply online and contact you to make sure you have everything you need. During the application process, you will gather a second letter of recommendation, answer a questionnaire, provide a sample of a class you have led, provide a photo, and sign the Inayati Order ethics agreement. You will work with your Advisor on the application process, and you are encouraged to work with your Guide as well.

4. Once your application is submitted and accepted, you will begin training with the Mentor you chose during the application process. Your Mentor will work directly with you to identify areas of focus to broaden and deepen your experience as a teacher and a leader, and learn the art of spiritual guidance. Although the training is different for each individual depending on their existing knowledge and experience, there is a core set of practices and teachings that all Representatives and Guides are expected to know at the end of their training. This training is intended to be an enjoyable and fulfilling process meant to support and prepare you for giving service to others with confidence. The training includes completing the Inner School Leaders Training Modules.

Once you have completed your training, you will be appointed by Pir Zia as either a Representative or a Guide.

Next Step

If you are interested in becoming a Representative, the next step is to learn more about the role and its responsibilities, and discuss it with your Guide.